Decadent Beginnings, Symbolist Endings The Decadent movement was an artistic movement of art and literature from the late 1800s. Some place the beginning of the movement with the 1857 publication of Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal , others as late as Anatole Baju’s magazine Le Décadent , first published in 1886. Decadent literature was the primary mode of French literature from the beginning of the belle epoque through about 1900, and the many schools of literature at the time, including Parnassism, Naturalism, 1 Symbolism, and Decadentism proper all fall under its purview. This decadent umbrella is primarily comprised of a group of themes which are themselves constitutive of much of what the Decadent movement represented. They include, in no particular order: Theophile Gautier’s Parnassian declaration “ l'art pour l'art” (art for art’s sake), the assertion that there are no deep or primordial truths, the preeminence of artifice over the natural, the modern city as a hive ...
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